Published on: Jun 26, 2017
LiuGong, a heavy equipment manufacturer based in China, came up with a remarkable innovation last year – a vertical lift wheel loader. It appears LiuGong is the first company in the world to have come up with such an innovation wherein the main features of the loader are the vertical lift arms on an articulating frame and the mechanical self-leveling Z-bar bucket linkage on a vertical lift loader. It took the company six years to develop the technology that allows a smaller machine to have a larger bucket and a longer and higher reach, something that conventional loaders don’t offer.
The primary function of the vertical lift adds more lifting and carrying capacity to the loader by providing a heavier tipping load and a higher lift height than what conventional wheel loaders of the same power and weight can offer. This enables lower fuel costs since the operating weight is much less allowing the machine to lift more load per horsepower. Users can move more tons per hour for lower initial investment and lower owning and operating costs than they would, with older technology. The reliability and durability of this vertical lift machine offers an innovative way to increase equipment value when purchasing a loader.
Edward Wagner, Director of LiuGong New Technology and Test, inventor and lead engineer of the technology, said, “This technology will create a new class of machines. Our ‘truly new’ LiuGong vertical lift loader will be the first ever for an articulating frame loader. We are proud to say that we were the first to develop and will be the first to market the vertical lift articulating frame wheel loader. This technology is universally applicable and it is especially advantageous for stockpiling and truck loading applications with advantages in efficiency and performance.”
LiuGong came up with the idea of developing the vertical lift loader technology for the first time in 2010 and after six years it is now finally ready for mass production. This will undoubtedly create a big impression in the construction and mining equipment industry.